Community Commitments

Please review the community commitments before commenting.

A diversity of on-topic comments, thoughts and opinions is welcome as long as they are posed in a kind and polite manner.  When you participate in this community you are invited to be helpful to the group.  The commitments below are here to make this a safe space to share and learn from one another, and know that we are not alone.  

By sharing through the comment feature you:

  • Commit to be kind and civil.  Personal attacks, insults and bullying others will get you banned without prior warning. We do not condone the use of foul language.  There is a place for foul language; it’s just not here.
  • Commit to the common good.  Before posting, ask yourself: Does this post benefit more than just me? Does it contribute to the common good?
  • Commit to respect people’s privacy.  Privacy protects people’s reputations and helps build trust.  Remember, only your story is yours to share
  • Commit to using English only.  To make sure that everyone visiting this blog can understand you, please only use the English language.
  • Commit to stick to the topic.  Posts that are totally unrelated or way too specific should not be posted here.
  • Commit to promoting trustworthy information.  Please verify that what you are posting is reliable and verifiable.  We do not want to be part of the wave of fake facts and news.
  • Commit to report rule-breaking.  If you see a post / comment that violates our rules, report it to the admins.   DO NOT verbally attack the author!  Remember, not liking what an author has to say, or disagreeing with them, is not a reason to report them.
  • Commit to be compassionate.  Treat others as they wish to be treated and as you would wish to be treated.  We reject practices that breed violence, hatred and disdain.

Comments will be deleted if they are:

  • Off-topic
  • Rude and / or offensive
  • Degrading about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or any other identity marker
  • Victim-blaming
  • Personal attacks or insults
  • Filled with foul language
  • Repeat information (use the search function and also consider a quick google search)
  • Spam
  • Self-promotion